So, my friend Karen was nice enough to take me to the craft store so I could pick up some supplies! And I checked out a book at the library titled: Start Now in Watercolor. Perfect for the impatient side of my personality. I got a lovely deal on a set of 10 paints. They were put in the wrong place and I ended up only needing to pay 1/2 price for them! As you can imagine I was all smiles when I had all my supplies and couldn't wait to get started. I went to work that night and this is what I painted:

Just kidding! It's a photograph... This is a picture I took yesterday afternoon on the way home from the park. (There are so many beautiful rolling green hills around here!) I will post a picture of one of my fabulous amateur beginning watercolor pictures. Don't worry, I know by now you are on the edge of your pallet to see what miracle painting I am able to do.
Wait, there's more, but on a different topic. I don't know why I had a desire to document this but...

These are jeans that Chris bought for me on my birthday, 5 years ago. No, they aren't ripped because it's cool to wear ripped jeans. They actually came intact. But I have worn them so much over the past 5 years that they have ripped naturally, on their own, without effort. I don't know why this occurred to me as being significant. I think I had some grand analogy in mind about our love lasting through ripped jeans...I don't know. I'm pretty sure no one is reading this anyway. I think my posts are always a little long. So, Chris, here's to you and for loving me. Even though jeans may rip and pants may tear on their own, the seam in my heart becomes stronger each day. I love you more than these jeans (even though I will be a little crushed on the day they finally die- maybe I can make a bag out of them...the library should have something on that). I think it might have significance in my mind because I can still so clearly remember that day we went shopping on my birthday. We were dating and I remember thinking that this guy was way too good to be true. And I was way out of my league dating a guy this good looking and thoughtful and nice and funny and so amazing to be with! I never knew such men existed. Well, now I know. The older the jeans get, the more I love you. The more holes they have, the more I realize what you mean to me. Thanks for the jeans Chris and all they represent to me. Although as you can see, I might need a new pair soon. (And I mean that in the most literal way, no metaphor there.)

That was a cute jean story! I can't wait to see your next pictures. I might post the picture you did for me so everyone can see what your very first picture looked like. Beautiful
Of course I, and others, read your posts - actually, yours in a fav of mine these days. love you much! good luck with the painting! I am excited to see.
Hey- I love the pants they remind me of mine!! I saw your picture at Karens house and it is way good- you are a little Picaso in the making!! Your blog is way cute by the way!!
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