Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Genesis 30:22

My heart is imperfect.

It also has the memory of an elephant. Sometimes it's a curse because I can remember every single heartache I've ever had about NOT being round and great with child. But most times, it resonates the healing that has happened. Somewhere along this journey, while still carrying around an empty womb, my heart was healed. All the cracks and fissures that happened because babies were being born all around me and none were mine - were sealed up.

I'm thankful for the memory of my tiny, hurt heart because it makes my new and improved heart that much better. It's stronger, larger and more capable of loving. It became calm and patient. My desperate pleas turned into quiet hopes. The babies being born all around me were wonderful and beautiful and I could hold them and smell them and be thankful that they joined us in this crazy life. It was okay that they weren't my babies. My once smaller, whole heart is now fuller with bulging stitches and cracks filled in with sacrificial cement from a loving Savior.

I'm so grateful for my new, stitched up heart fresh with scars and memory. Because I have a storm coming my way. A blessed, welcome storm. The way I see it, I will need three times the love. Three times the patience. Three times the gratitude. Three times the diapers! Our famine is over. Please pray for our little family. Pray that this new feast of blessings will continue to grow and thrive. We still have a long way to go until there will be sighs of real relief. But for now, I am calm. I am happy. I am blessed beyond what I deserve.

Isn't Chris going to be the best daddy?


Staci said...

WOW!!! Holy Crap that is amazing! I am so happy for you and hope that you are feeling well and taking it easy. I am so excited for you and can't wait to see these babies arrive safely and healthy! You deserve this so much and will be such an amazing mama!

Grant and Candice said...

I am thrilled beyond words for you! That is truely so amazing to me, I can't even imagine carrying three at one time. I pray that everything goes perfect for you!

michael. mindy. dane. said...

AAHHH!!! I have been waiting for this post!! Love, love, LOVE IT!!!

David and Brooke Gallagher said...

I love it! Thanks for being such a wonderful example! We can't wait for cousins! Yeah!!!!!

Mike/Margaret said...

Thank you for the picture. They are the best looking triplets I have ever seen. Hugs and Kisses to all of you.

Kim said...

Yay! I'm so excited for you and have been patiently waiting for you to blog about your news so I could make a comment and tell you CONGRATULATIONS! You two will be the BEST parents ever! I'm so happy for you!

McNeil Family said...

First I'm crying, but second, CONGRATULATIONS! I'm so excited for you and hope I get to see the sweet little babies sometime. Thank you so much for your perspective, it is so sincere. Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy! (This is Patrice by the way.)

Elise said...

love it! I'm do excited for you guys! 3 times the fun. I can't wait to see you

Allysha said...

Oh, my!
That is so awesome.
That is a good number.

Stephanie said...

I am in shock. Tears, anxiety, I am so excited and nervous for you! I need more details! How far along are you? Kara! I love you! I am going to call you tomorrow!!

LHall said...

Kara, I am so thrilled for you I am speechless! It looks like you have jumped from one learning curve to another. (Do you like roller coasters?) Your Mom must be fraught with excitement!!! Tell her hello.

The Colbys... written by Erin said...

OH MY GOOOOOOSH!! That was such a beautiful way to break it to us:) I love your words. You are an amazing lady and you are going to be an amazing mother! You will be prayed and prayed for, by us and others! When are they due?? I'm so excited for you!! These babes are going to be LOVED with a capital L!

Hamblin Family said...

Kara that is awesome!!! I am so excited for you guys! You aren't going to go anywhere for like the next three years but that is okay! I will pray for your health and theirs everyday!! Anthony and Diana have triplets and if they can do it so can you! I am not worried a bit 'cause you have the love man!! I am so excited for you!! I want an invite to the baby shower...I'll bring three gifts!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! Look at THAT!!! You are definitely in our prayers and take care of yourself!! What lucky babies!!

Karen said...

I could read your words all day long! Please, oh please write a book. It was so good to talk to you today and I am excited beyond belief for you guys. Your three little ones are so lucky to be coming to such an amazing mommy. (and daddy) thank you for such a great post.

Callister said...


I hope you don't mind that I found your blog. Well, okay, my sister found your blog and mentioned to me that you are having triplets. So I searched for you because I really want to congratulate you and your husband. CONGRATULATIONS! I'm so elated for you and pray that you all are healthy and well. What an amazing adventure! Life is wonderful.

Side note: What a talented writer you are. I only wish I could write half as good as you.

Nicole Foust Callister