Don't repeat this out loud. Don't tell your neighbor, or your spouse, your kids or your milkman. In fact, after you read this post, forget about it immediately. Pretend you don't know! I don't want to jinx it. (Hence all the warnings...)
I don't know if I should even type it! Should I? Will it ruin things?
All the babies slept through the night. For the third night in a row.
Shhhh! Don't tell anyone, okay?
WHAT????????? Be honest, how long is "through the night?" And do they really all sleep in the same room?
that makes all the difference in the world... CONGRATS!! and i'm knocking on wood for you right now!
omg i can't believe it! Lucky lucky lucky girl, or maybe your just a great mom ;) We only have one baby and we're not yet succeeding in that department. Congrats!
Holy cow this is amazing! You must be the best mama ever. You probably did jinx it. I need a follow up post to see if the sleep tonight. Good luck! They are all perfect and adorable.
Have fun being up all night tonight! Just kidding. This goes perfectly with the fact that your kids are all miraculous little angels!
oh my goodness! how wonderful! i'm so happy for you and wish you many more repeat nights!!!
well - i hope this pattern of sensibility in your babes continues! Love ya! Hope your fam is okay in Oakley with all this water-craziness!
A-MAY-ZING! Good for you, mommy's are much happier when they are well rested. apparently all three of yours got the memo - could they pass that along to my little guy?
We knew we had smart grandbabies. They knew Mommy and Daddy needed a break. Love and kisses
nice work! Maybe they can teach a thing or to there cousin Boston who is 3 and still wont sleep through the night!
Happy Happy Day's, hope you slept well!
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