I don't know if I was asked or if you and I were meant to be best buds. You were a baby and I was thirteen. There were six of us kids and two parents in a brand new town. Life was busy. Dad was busy building a house and mom was busy making sure six kids were fed, homeworked, bussed to school, etc. Six of us fifteen to infant could not have been easy. So every once in a while, I was your little nanny. I made you laugh, I changed your clothes, made your bottles. And you kept growing and I still loved making you laugh. You were the only one entertained with my car ride puppet shows that seemed to calm you down a bit on long drives. You kept growing and you made me laugh. Like when you wouldn't take your Batman costume off for six months, or when you decided one of our chickens that lived in the coop outside would make a great house pet. I still like to imagine you carrying a big, plump chicken under your tiny 5 year old arm. You've always been one of the smartest and funnest people I know. I love your stories. (I still crack up when I remember Mrs. N's eyelash - or was it her eyebrow - falling off on your paper!) I love your sense of humor and your sense of adventure. You have always amazed me with a testimony of the gospel that seems way beyond your years, but too sincere to be anyone else's. I've been proud of you as two mile stone birthdays have passed and you have solemnly and eagerly accepted the mantle of bearing the priesthood, first becoming a worthy deacon then teacher. I've seen how you are with your nephews and niece and have no doubt in my mind you came into our family when you were supposed to. You are definetely the favorite uncle!

So Happy Birthday today! Today I'm celebrating your love for life! I'm celebrating having a sense of humor and wise perception of the world! I'm celebrating your commitment to who and what you love (family and sports as of late!). And today I'm celebrating how lucky I am to have you as a little brother. I love you McKay. Happy Birthday!
I just saw the picture on michael and mindys blog of you and thought I would say hi.
Well said....
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