Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Food Glorious Food

Please sir... more?

I think I know what a mama bird feels like when feeding her little birdies. Except for the whole regurgitation thing of course. Little mouths open. Little squawks in between bites. Little wings - er, arms flapping in excitement. Because of this new thing we call "real people food," once a day, I now have a new nickname for my little brood.

My little chickens. (I know baby chickens don't eat from nests like I described in above paragraph. But once you have a nickname rolling, it's hard to stop it.)

This little chicken had a hard time getting comfortable for the first time in his new chair.

This little chicken LOVED her first experience snacking on mush.

This little chicken is happy to have anything in his mouth. (Except broccoli around week two of trying real people food. He DID NOT like that one.)

Come back for more food action later this week! To make up for my lack of posting in weeks prior, I have VIDEO footage of the little fledglings on their first time with the yum mushy stuff! Later. Maybe even by Friday! Aren't you on the edge of your seat?


michael. mindy. dane. said...

Great pictures! Love the boys' matching chairs. So glad they are liking the food!

Tina said...

Kara Girl! I have one word for ya...BIBS! Where are the bibs? :) It is so much easier to change a bib than a onesie! I love your little flock!

Unknown said...

Ah! So cute! I just want to eat them up! Sunny cracks me up; she's always so content! Love you guys!

michelle grange said...

KARA! Hey girl!! So this probably seems so random but I don't have you phone number or email so I just googled your name (lol) and your website came up! I ran into Chris' brother Dave at Big Lots today and he told me you had triplets!! I'm so happy for you guys! Hope all is well. I miss you so much! Let's get together soon!! It's been like 3 years since we've caught up. Love you!

Kamal and Amber said...

Such cute babies! How did you manage to get all of them to look at the camera - you are amazing!

Brenda said...

This little chicken had broccoli, this little chicken had mush...this little chicken cried wee wee wee I don't want any! Darling babies. Where'd you find those cool chairs?

Shane said...

Still doing the lean I see. Christian looks very pleased and eternally hungry for more!

trishthefish said...

I can't believe how they've grown. Before you know it you'll be celebrating their birthday. What a fantastic first year for you guys. I hope all is well and you and Chris are getting enough sleep...or alone time :) They are adorable!