being woken up by a kicking baby still in utero and a couple toddlers calling for daddy,
listening to Sunshine read aloud from one of her favorite books,
listening to a concert put on by the boys and their bird singing back up,

breaking a sweat while wrestling all three into clothes, while I'm telling them it's important to wear clothes, but really in my head was thinking, "yea, I don't know what the big deal about getting dressed everyday is either."
I watched the boys watch the birds eat tiny unseen insects off our driveway and future garden plot.
I was growled out by three ferocious little ones, a tiger, a lion and a dinosaur respectively. Scaring mommy is a favorite activity as of late. (Uh, don't mind the one sticking a tiger tail up his nose.)
I also put slippers on this guy about 20 times, at the request of his buddy Christian.
Now everyone is napping, I'm blogging but should be doing dishes, and later tonight I'll be attending a hypnobirthing class with Chris. I'm planning on having an entirely different delivery with this one than I did with the triplets. Chris is a little weirded out by the whole thing. He's not sure what to expect. It doesn't help that I told him we'll spend the first 30 minutes of class gazing into each other's eyes and pondering our love for one another and the miracle we created between us, all the while chanting, "child birth is natural, child birth is wonderful..."
He didn't think that was very funny.
How is your day so far?
After having Kailee I did hypno birthing with bobby and had him natural, total labor 2 1/2 hours he was such a healthy baby, then used some of the hypno technics with my other two boys and had them all natural too....great experiences. Good luck!
After having Kailee I did hypno birthing with bobby and had him natural, total labor 2 1/2 hours he was such a healthy baby, then used some of the hypno technics with my other two boys and had them all natural too....great experiences. Good luck!
After having Kailee I did hypno birthing with bobby and had him natural, total labor 2 1/2 hours he was such a healthy baby, then used some of the hypno technics with my other two boys and had them all natural too....great experiences. Good luck!
My approach to "natural birth" was to think that if I just kept thinking "no matter how bad it hurts, you won't die" I would get through it.
I asked for the epidural as I entered the hospital, so I don't wouldn't recommend my method.
Kara, I LOVE your comments on my blog! Thanks for keeping in touch. I am honored to call you a friend.
Posts like this one are my favorite! I can only imagine what kind of shenanigans 3 kiddos {at the ferocious age of 2} pull in the course of a 24 hour period! It's exhausting and exhilarating to think about! Next time we're in the neighborhood, can we stop in? I don't know when that will be, but we would love to see ya. Your posse needs to swing up our way and come ride horses with us too!
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