I have been really enjoying lately...
Kings of Leon. Where have they been all my life? Revelry, Use Somebody, Be Somebody, more - all on repeat on my music player.
Wicked Soundtrack. My little sis went last week and I was pining to go again. No one mourns the wicked!
The Simple Faith of Mister Rogers. Great little book by Laura Hollingsworth. So many good people out there who have lived a good life. I like scanning certain sections of Dewy's decimal system for surprising finds. This was one of them. (Yes, I know my library reference is wrong.)
The Office reruns. I think Andy is my new favorite.
The brilliant, bounteous, green popping blossoms on all of the trees. So many trees! Where do I get all my oxygen from when I live in Utah? Seriously.
Ray Charles. Is it okay for an ultra-uber white girl born in Utah County to like soul/gospel as much as I do? In fact, do yourself a favor and download/listen/youtube yourself some Mavis Staples.
Sting's All This Time live album. Can't get enough. During Roxanne, when he states, "But she did anyway," in his Sting-like, cool, low-down way... man! That gets me every time.
The Grapes of Wrath. Lost track how many times I've read it. So far, being almost three decades old, (me, not the book) this is my all-time favorite book. Steinbeck does no wrong in my eyes. I'm trying to figure out why I'm such a sucker for suffering, heartache and down and outedness. (New word I just made up, don't try to look it up. Not in Webster's yet.) I'm open to new all-time favorites however. Currently, I have two. I have a lot of life left. I'm working on some great recommendations right now. Feel free to leave me yours.
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