Monday, October 19, 2009

Baby and Belly or Exponential Growth

Post worthy! Attention! Attention! New baby niece has arrived! She was a week early. 12 hours before she was born her mama said she felt like she could be pregnant for another month. (Wow.) Mom and dad checked in the hospital at 1:00 am and little baby girl came to join them 37 minutes later! She is beautiful and perfect and our growing family is getting larger and bounteous by the month. The only tinge of sadness is that she is 12 hours away in sunny California. Does anyone know of a molecular transporter module machine I can borrow? I promise I'll give it right back.

In other baby related news, I thought I would document my ever so growing belly. I am 4 months and 1 week (aka 17 weeks for you purists out there). I am amazed everyday at how large carrying three babies around makes your midsection. Seriously. If this was a singleton how far along would this belly really be? 8 months? No. I have no idea. Chris loves, loves, loves how big I am. He takes pictures every week. I'm sure one day it will be fun to look back and see the exponential growth.

Exponential. That is the word that keeps coming to mind when I think of all the new little ones that will joining our family. (Because there is one more besides ours still to come!) It is also the word of the day every time I catch a glimpse of my round, bulbous belly.

Both are really, really great.


michael. mindy. dane. said...

COPY CAT!! Kidding. We must have been posting at the same time. I love your belly as well. I think you look adorable (which you probably already know since I have a tendency to touch it when I see you/it). And who are you calling a purist? Psshh!

David and Brooke Gallagher said...

Nice pic! It must be a lot of work carrying 3 babies around, I think I could only do 1, props to you! And you look great by the way!

Karen said...

Your little belly looks perfect! I love that chris loves your growing belly. I think mine kind of made Weston nervous. He was in shock the whole pregnancy that yes we were really pregnant and there was a growing baby in there. You're growing three babies. I love it! When are you going to announce what you're having?

Anonymous said...

Oh my GOODNESS!!! You are ADORABLE!!!
SO FUN!! I can't believe there is three in there...I could never imagine! LOVE IT!!!

Kim said...

Of course you look as cute as can be! I'm still amazed that you have 3 babies in there, so cool! Keep the posts coming, I love checking up on you!

P.S. Congrats to Megan too!

Elise said...

oh you look so cute! i LOVE your belly! Thanks for posting. You should keep us updated monthly on your exponential growth :)

Mason Clan said...

You look so cute! I am so excited for you guys! Along with everyone elses comments i cant believe there are three in there! You look amazing!!!

Grant and Candice said...

So So Soooo cute!

Stephanie said...

Yes, you are quite large for 17 weeks. Just thought I'd confirm that for you! :) I'm so excited for you! Have I said that enough?

McNeil Family said...

Before I saw the pic I thought you would look "exponential" as you say. Not. Even. True. You look cute and tiny and I can't believe there are 3 little babies in there! They must be tiny little guys.. girls.. or both? Congrats again. You look beautiful!

Mike/Margaret said...

You get more beautiful everytime I see this picture. We miss you. Give the babies kisses and hugs from Grandma and Grandpa

Hamblin Family said...

I have to admit that that is pretty big for first baby and only 4 months but so worth it! You are a super cute prego! I am so excited for you! You are my hero because I couldn't imagine taking on the feat with such a smile on my face. You 5 are in my prayers every night! Keep up the good work!!

The DiStefano Family said...

dang!!! 3 kids in there? I am excited for you. I hope everything goes well. I will have to stay posted. I have been out of it for a while. gentry

Lorflor said...

SO CuTe!

LHall said...

Kara, you are totally adorable. Keep posting those pictures. We all want to see your progress.

Big hugs for your family!