As they say, it should keep the doctor away. Unless you have three babies. Or even one baby. Apples will do you no good. You should go. All things considered, our little dudes are so healthy. So, how did our first outing as one big happy family go?
(First, very important. I have a plethora of amazing people in my life who are helping me manage right now. My gratitude is deeper than the ocean. But on this day, it happened to be my little sister, Jenna. Thank you Jenna.)

Here is everyone all packed up and ready to go. Our appointment was at 3:30. So we started getting ready to head out the door at 1pm. We were 10 minutes late.

All loaded up in the car! This particular trip, we packed into my sister's Honda Pilot. I'm embarrassed to say we don't have our family car yet. Phew. It's on the list... It's on the list...

Once out of the car, this is our preferred method of travel. I call it the "Triplet Train." It's a beast. But sleek. It can fit through a doorway. Which opens up a lot of real life living. We can go to the store, shopping, to church etc, without it being too major of an entrance or production. Well, we'll see. We haven't exactly done any of those things yet.

Patiently waiting for Doctor Dave to come check everybody out! Their particular weights on this day: Christian 9lbs 4oz, Sunshine, 8lbs 4oz, Gaber, 7lbs 4oz. A pound apart! Small, medium and large. My value meal family - so cute.
Wow these little buggers are adorable. It's amazing how much I love each of them so much. The late nights, the early mornings, the "Groundhog Day" type schedule, the diapers, the diapers, the diapers, the crying, the boogers, the never ending parade of
someone needing

is totally worth it.
All I can say is your are amazing Kara!!! In all your picture you are just glowing!
Kara- so sweet! Those little babies are amazing.
Adorable! I just can't even get over the fact that you have 3 newborns! It's just crazy, but looks like you are all doing so well! Love it!
AHH! Love this. LOVE that last picture and the look on Sunny's face. This is adorable. I love it. Can't say it enough. Love you all! Thanks for last night!
I could look at pictures of your little family all day long. Well by little family I mean little babies. You're a family of FIVE!!!!! Crazy. I just know you are the best momma ever. I can tell by all of the pictures. What a glorious life you have right now. You look amazing in all of those pics. And to leave the house. Wow, I'm in awe. Glad all the babes are healthy and doing well.
Oh my they are soooo cute! Glad to hear they are doing so well. It is so fun that they are all exactly one pound apart. Cuties!
They are totally cute! Getting so big too! Glad to hear that things are going so well for you!
Way to go Gallaghers & Co.! You amaze me, I can't even begin to imagine the struggle it must be to get through a day! I would love to hear how a typical day goes in the Gallagher house. I am tired just thinking about it. You are amazing parents and those are three of the cutest, silliest, funniest, most blessed babies I know!
Kara - you are amazing!! Three times! And you look so amazing... did you really have 3 babies?
Holy Cow You are super Mom for sure!! They are so cute and so lovable!! I am SO happy your guys are enjoying those baboos!! Yay for healthy babies and you look SOOOO good!!
I love you Kara!! And every member of your family!
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