Saturday, August 14, 2010

Week In Review

Moments Where I Almost Lost My Ever Loving Mind:

Spit up for the gabillionth time on the carpet, on the clothes, on the blanket, on the bib, on me, on the face, on the arm, in the lap, in the ear, in the bed, on the changing table, on the toys, in the play saucer thingy. Times three.

Three sleeping babies turning into two sleeping babies when three babies should be sleeping for another hour and mama of said babies was planning to nap along with three sleeping babies that suddenly turned into two the second her head hit the pillow. The second.

My washing machine doing load number 5 in one day. (Okay, I don't mind this part. It's the FOLDING and PUTTING AWAY that gives me heartburn.)

Baby B reliving his glory days of waking up at 4 am for 7 days in a row.

The current state of my room. i.e. MESSY.

Moments That Saved My Mind From Being Lost:

Pack of Mambas as gifted by adoring husband. (Not a brand of cigarettes. Lovely little chewy candies that remind me of high school for some reason.)

Help at bedtime in the form of Aunt Shauna (We love you Aunt Shauna! says the babies)

Saturday morning of running errands sans passengers courtesy of Grandma D. (We love you Grandma D! says the babies)

Long showers followed by NPR on demand while continuing to procrastinate my alone time in the bathroom. (Did I brush my teeth? I don't remember. I better do it again...)

Roasted beets. (Thanks for the reminder how much I love these Kels.)

Darling husband taking shift(s) with Baby B who is reminiscing about the good old days.

Every other moment in between the ones mentioned above with three of the cutest little monsters I've ever known. These include but are not limited to: laughing (oh this sweet sound!), big eyes at favorite books, smiling during eating time, grabbing and grasping like champions of the baby ring olympics, cuddling on shoulders, watching eyes LIGHT UP when dad comes home or walks into the room, holding onto toes, grunting and wrestling with wipe package, talking or singing or whatever noise they are trying to make, big big smiles at mommy.


Mike/Margaret said...

Make me a list of chores to do while we are there,I even fold laundry. Can't wait to see your little miracles in person. Love Margaret

joyce raeth said...

Kara, you are so funny and entertaining. I love checking in on your blog and reading your posts.
You make me smile. Love, Aunt Joyce