Are we really two months away from a year birthday? You cannot be serious! (Say last sentence like you played professional tennis in the 80's and had funky curly hair.) Well it's true. In celebration of wondering how my babies got so big so quick, I have some stats and noticings of the darlings. (And zoo pictures from Halloween!)
Gabe is 14 pounds 8 ounces. He is 26.5 inches and has a large noggin. He is crawling like an efficient machine. One morning (Oct. 23rd) he woke up and decided it was time to crawl. He had the most unique method at first. Have you seen those little mechanical dogs that bark and walk? He was so precise with his hands and knees. I LOVED watching him. Now he is smooth and quick as a little mongoose! (Mom's days of 2 minute potty breaks are over.)

Our little tiger.

He may be little but he can m.o.v.e. He loves squash, beets and bananas and is excited about learning to use a sippy cup. So far he just kind of bangs it on the side of his chair and looks quite pleased with himself. He hates spinach, avacadoes and green beans. His laugh is magic when I tickle his tiny ribs. He is my number one groupie when it comes to cheesy songs by mom. I can always get his attention when I start one of my clapping or spider songs. He just started pulling himself on things half his height. He is a big talker with his favorite sound being the ga and go sound. He has two teeth poking through his bottom gums. He is my best sleeper and loves being held.
Other two animal updates to come...
So cute. I loved this. I can't blame you for not doing it every month (on here at least). Sheesh! That's a lot of info! But is very welcomed and loved by us :)
Oh. My. Goodness. ONE YEAR ALREADY?!?! It sounded so weird to me when I read it out loud LoL. He is so cute and so little!! I can't wait to hear about the other baboos!!!
Oh Gabers! You are such a handsome guy. Look at those eyes...Sheesh! Where has the time gone???
good job for doing such a detailed and descriptive post! i haven't even done a post like this and i only have one kid. you are my inspiration. ;-) i LOVE reading about all their individuality!
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