Yup. It's done. We have officially switched zip codes. A few things I miss about Heber:
- living close to my family
- Day's Market
- familiar running routes
- neighbors and friends I hope to keep in touch with
- the quiet beauty of the landscape (sigh)
- literally 5 min away from stores I used to plan a Saturday around to shop at
- closer to Chris' side of the family (Grma Linda said: "It's my turn!")
- more time with dad since he isn't commuting an hour each way
- and I'll keep you posted with more...
Quick shot of the backyard via the GIANT playroom above the garage. Is that a clothes line you ask? Yes. Due to the complications of moving into a new place, we were without a dryer for 48 hours. In most households this might not be a big deal. But in ours, it is. So I asked Chris to rig up a clothes line. My romantic, read too many books about the 1930's side imagined my sun kissed face gingerly pinning up my kid's pjs and my husband's work shirts (read: t-shirts) while the wind gently blew, drying our clothes. But the first batch on the line happened to be a bunch of cleaning rags. These are true rags. Tattered, falling apart, etc. So as soon as they were up, I immediately wanted them down. It definitely didn't look like the clothes line I imagined. We looked like squatters in someone's backyard, trying to wash out some of our hobo wear. The dryer's fixed, but crib sheets gently blowing in the wind still appeals to me. So the line is still up.
I'm sure many (maybe one) of you were wondering if I ran my virtual 5k! You better believe it!
I set out all by myself on a sunny Friday morning and raced my silly heart out. I usually like to take pictures at all my races. So this one was no exception. Even if I took it myself, looking like a goon, holding up my watch so you can see my time. 28:33 in case you were wondering. I do believe it is my fastest 5K yet. (Don't worry about the stuff behind me, we were still unpacking.)
So, that is the latest my friends! The next big thing we are all looking forward to around here is Ragnar! Woot to the double woot! 188 miles. It's a family affair this year. Can't wait.
so glad to see an update and pictures! can't wait to see the new abode! love christian's concentration face! hate all these exclamations! and fragments!
yay! you live so close to us! just a little skip down 215. maybe we'll actually see each other now! :) glad that chris doesn't have his long commute anymore. nate drives to spanish fork every day and i don't know how he does it. it definitely cuts into daddy-daughter play time. let's get together soon!!
Glad you survived the big move!!! And welcome (back?) to the Valley!!!
Welcome to your new home. Glad to see the clothesline. Nothing is better then sheets that are hung on the line.
Glad to hear your all settled into a new place! That is the cutest face ever!!
yeah! you live closer to me...
It has been 16 days... this is unacceptable.
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