Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Some Moments

Mono y mono.  Or is it mano e mano?  Mano y mano.  There it is.

Mano y mano.  Just you and your opponent.  No team, no assists, no throwing blocks, no plays to run.  Just you and the guy across from you.  If you win, it's all you.  If you lose, it's all you.  

This is why I love wrestling.

In my mind, there's Kerri Strug sticking a vault landing on a broken ankle, Rocky beating Apollo (again), and now, my little brother winning the state championship.  All of these moments made me emotional.  There's something special about some moments in sports.  Something where you know it isn't just the training and practice.  You see their heart and soul.

They give you a glimpse into what their struggle was to get to this point.  

This moment of triumph.  


I give you the 126 lb state champion for 2012 in the 2A Division.  So proud of you McKay!

photo from Salt Lake Tribune by Kim Raff


Sd1 said...

McKay also understands this is a moment not just for him, but for all of us who love him, support him, who have cried with him, and who continue to expect greatness from him.  That heart part you talk about??  It is his greatest strength.  Thank you for showing HIM what a true champion is.  He has emulated what he has experienced with his siblings.  For that, I am forever grateful!

Mindydegering said...

great. i knew i should have posted about this before you. now my words will be crap compared to your elegance. loved this, though. worded perfectly. gosh. i can't say enough how perfectly this post was written. can i be your friend? maybe you could teach me a few writing tricks. 

Alyssa said...

Kara you make me laugh...and cry.  I love that you wrote "mono y mono" (In Spanish that means "monkey and monkey" (that's when I laughed).   You got it right when you wrote "Mano y Mano".  I loved this post!  You have a talent for writing and I LOVE (not just "like"-the only option on facebook) that picture of McKay.  I'm glad you got to share that moment with him.  When you wrote, "You see their heart and soul" that's when I teared up.  I think back on watching Andrew wrestle and how intense it was.  You're absolutely right-you get to see sometimes people giving it their all, but it makes it even more meaningful when it is somebody you love.   

karagal said...

Monkey and monkey!  That is going to be my new chant at future sporting events.  I forgot Andrew was a wrestler!  He's one tough dude.  Thanks for reading and leaving such nice words!

karagal said...

There is currently a waiting list to be my friend.  Go ahead and send me your info and I'll see if I can get you on the list.  

karagal said...

I have a bunch of great examples too.