Monday, May 14, 2012

Noisy Morning

10:30 am on a Monday morning.

The kids are quiet.  Quiet because they are asleep.  Their morning nap in full swing.  The kids are quiet, but the house starts to tick noisily.

The unfolded pile of laundry on the couch chatters incessantly.  From the sink, plates covered in syrup and empty sippy cups smeared with mashed banana weep and weep and weep.  The whining hamper, stuffed with a weekend's worth of unwashed clothes drones on and on and on.

I try to escape the melee.  I wander down the hall, where I hear it.  The loudest call of all.  My unmade bed.  It sings a Siren's song.  A white, downy comforter, still in bunches crashes like a wave against my pillow, still seemingly indented from a morning of leaving it too soon.

The rumpled bed, my dangerous Siren, beckons me to come closer.  I long to dive into the welcoming, treacherous waters.  I inch closer, wanting to drown in a sea of idleness,

and take a nap.



michael. mindy. dane. said...

very cool.

what time do your kids get up?? nap at 10:30? sheesh! do they take 2 naps? or can they last a long time from post-nap to bedtime? WHAT'S THE ROUTINE?!

call me nosy mcnoserton.

kara said...

Dear Nosy,

Mind your own business about our nap schedule! Kidding. They've been getting up extra early lately. Like 6:30. So come 10:00, they're a bit grumpy. I can usually expect a two hour nap on a good day. We've tried afternoon naps, but a) I can't last that long and b) for some reason they are so ornery when they wake up from afternoon naps.

We do make it until bedtime. But bedtime is also (ideally) between 7 and 7:30.

If we go do something in the morning, like a library trip, then they'll have an afternoon nap. There! Joke's on you. Waaaay more info than you probably wanted.

Kristin Hackman said...

I just found your blog via (I post on her multiples Monday as well @ - I have 17 mo old GGB trips). Your family is beautiful and I so love that you have a fourth little pumpkin pie on the way. It has been SO heavy on my heart to have a 4th and I keep praying for a clear answer from God on where to keep my far, the answer is muddy :) Just wanted to wish you well and congratulate you on an awesome blessing - those three babies will love on that new baby until he/she can't take it anymore :) Will follow to see your progress!