Tuesday, May 22, 2012


It's a very strange thing to watch yourself on TV.

I wish, very honestly, that I could say I was one of those people that don't care what others think.  But come on!  If that was really the case, I would've rolled into the Good Things Utah set yesterday still in my pajamas and hair in a pile on top of my head.  Because that would mean I snagged approx. 35 minutes of extra sleep.

But after watching myself, how I looked isn't what made me wince every now and then.  It was some of the things that came out of my mouth!  So I'm here to clear a few things up.

What I said:  "I write from a place of truth..."

Ok, wow.  Truth?  I don't claim to have all the answers.  I meant honesty.  I try to be honest about where I am coming from.  I hope my readers get a sense of my contentment as a wife a mom, but also that it's kind of a hard gig from time to time.

What I said: "Dad steps in when needed..."

Whaaaaa?  It sounds like this is a one woman operation and Chris is on the sidelines and occasionally pops his head into the room to see if there is anything we need.

What I should've said:  "Their dad is pretty much amazing and without his EQUAL PARTNERSHIP, I would be curled up in a corner in the fetal position most days, mumbling to myself and wondering who all these little people are that keep calling me mom."

Chris is THE best dad I've ever known.  His patience far exceeds my own.  His priorities are very clear, he always puts his family first.  The kids adore their daddy.  He's also slightly embarrassed lots of people saw him in his Peter Pan costume from last Halloween holding one of our "lost boys." Sorry dear.  You're still the sexiest Peter Pan I've ever known.

What I said:  "Ummm (pause, draw blank on common vocabulary words...pause)"

Yeah, sorry about that.  I'm going to blame pregnant brain on that one.

I also had a chance to reflect on "how we survive."  Which is a question posed to me before the actual interview, but wasn't addressed in the segment other than mentioning we have a schedule and I try to plan ahead.

I'll have a less than tangible answer for you tomorrow.

(Uh oh.  I'm getting all show bizzy on you.)

Coming up on tomorrow's blog...a seemingly sane mother shares her secrets of disguising her insanity!  Stay tuned!



Chrsity DeGering said...

That was sweet. You did a good job, don't be hard on yourself. You make me want to blog, I love to write but I'm not very good about blogging.

Heidi said...

John and I just watched your video link. That was so cool! You sounded great, I didn't even think twice about anything you said, really I'm impressed and you are wonderful! Congrats girl!! And good luck with the upcoming birth. We did hypno with the last one and it really helped with the experience. Hugs!!

Great Basin Cowgirl said...

Certainly we are our worst critics! The interview was fantastic and even though you wish you would have said a thing or two differently, I thought you spoke wonderfully! How exciting it was to see you on there!

Shaylee said...

Oh my gosh! Whatever! You were so cute! Aw, we loved watching it. We miss you guys tons! xoxo

Unknown said...

You did a wonderful job in your interview. How exciting! Congratulations on the new baby you are expecting. Thank you for linking to Multiples Monday.

: 0 ) Theresa

Unknown said...

You did a wonderful job in your interview. How exciting! Congratulations on the new baby you are expecting. Thank you for linking to Multiples Monday.

: 0 ) Theresa