I've been missing my ability to post pictures this summer. I've been taking them. But somehow, I ended up with a computer that does not want to cooperate with pictures. If I was a super smart computer genius, I'm sure I would've figured something out. But it turns out that I'm a little lazy when it comes to figuring out technical difficulties.
When I get back to a picture friendly computer, I think I'll post just a bunch of random pictures that I have on there since JANUARY! In the meantime, how about a recap of some goings on? These aren't necessarily in chronological order.
1 - Imagine several pictures of some of the cutest kids you've seen in your life. All siblings and cousins. Two brothers with glasses and sometimes a look of sweetness - but most of the time, it seems they have something up their sleeve! A little one year old girl (adorable of course) who has no problem keeping up with her big brothers. And another little one year old with curly, blond locks. He is the spitting image of his mom when she was his age. Except he is SOLID. I'm talking if you don't get out of his way when he is headed toward something, he could plow you over. He has an amazing smile and SO much energy. I hung out with this crew and their amazing parents for a law school graduation.
2 - The beach! Now we are at the beach. Fun friends. Fun family. Nice day. Wiffle ball game that lasted FOR - E - VER. More days at the beach...
3 - Lobster Fest 09 at Grandpa Ray's. Lots of lobster, lots of clams, lots of Portuguese sausage. Lots of loud, fun family. Lots of picture by Grandma Linda! I think Chris' final lobster count was three. I was a lightweight and only had one. I loved watching the butter drip down his chin. He was in lobster heaven.
4- Running. And running. And running. Running for 33 hours straight. Sometimes I was running. Sometimes I was cheering on other runners. And once, for two hours during those 33 hours, I was asleep. Someday, I'm going to write in more detail about this race. It has, so far, been one of the most amazing, physical accomplishments I've ever done. Hugs and tears and lots of body glide jokes.
5- Hanging with the fam in Utah. Sunday comics, Sunday naps. Giving Mindy a hard time about the Bacherolette. Watching Michael be patient while said tv show was being watched. Listening to McKay talk about EFY. Jenna rocking the candy machine route with me. (I still can't believe you'd never been to Quiznos crazy girl!) Mom and Dad and their busy, busy lives!
6- Walking with Chris in downtown Newport. Stopping for ice cream and talking about the boat we are going to own one day. The sweet new Red Sox hat he bought for me.
7- Red Sox - Yankees game!! In Yankee stadium. Being heckled by Yankees fans. Martinez hitting a home run to bring the Sox up one. Then, watching in dismay as Damon and Teixeira hit back to back home runs. Disappointing. But kind of fun to watch the stadium GO CRAZY. I also snacked on a hot dog. Ball park dogs. Can't beat em. Walking to the train amidst frenzied Yankees fans shouting, "SWEEP! SWEEP! SWEEP!" Or "BOSTON SU-UCKS! BOSTON SU-UCKS!" Don't worry, I rocked my pink, Pedroia jersey with pride. Made a lot of instant friends in the form of other Boston fans. Instant camaraderie among the rabid Yanks.
8- Portland wedding. Beautiful bride. Doting groom. Wedding guests crunching on ice during the 95 degree ceremony.
9- Oregon coast with fun Karen and her beautiful little girl. (Haylee, you made me so happy saying my name the whole time I was there!) Tillamook cheese factory. Cheese samples. Can you say black pepper white cheddar? Or how about horseradish cheese? Wow. Blog stalking. I feel like less of a weirdo when I do it with someone else. Which reminds me, if you have a blog tracker - you should lose it. It makes blog stalking very inconvenient!
10- Boston Temple with hubby. So beautiful. I love to see the temple. I love to go with Chris. I can't think of when I'm happier than when we are there together.
Hmmm, so not as great as looking at pictures of these events, but your imagination is probably so much better.
You are totally right. My pict is way more restful than your post. But, let's be honest, way less productive. Or maybe she's sleeping after doing all of those things you wrote about.
But hey, life is grand.
Kara ever since you have left Haylee continues to say, "Kara where are you?" It's so sweet and a little sad that she misses you so much and just doesn't know where you are. I had so much fun that weekend and am delighted that we learned about king cobra's together.
I LOVE when you update :) Makes my day!
Remember me? :) I haven't been here forever...I always love reading how you describe my children and just people I love in general.
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