I've been without the ability to post real pictures from my own computer for a very long time. I thought I would do a blast from our very surreal past. Surreal because the picture below seems like it was a lifetime ago. Was I really
that big? Did I really need to live in that chair for the last 2 months? But it was only 4 1/2 short months ago. I remember the feeling of missing their little kicking bodies in my belly. That is after I regained the ability to feel below my waist. After they were born I was so sad that I couldn't feel them close to me. Especially when they were all packaged in plastic warmers, not allowed to be held by their mama. Now they are all packaged in homemade blankets, kicking and grunting and sometimes sweet cooing, all together, next to each other, in their own crib, in their own home, trying to fall asleep.

This picture was taken 2 weeks before they were born. The sweet baby in my arms is my darling niece. It was kind of hard to hold her comfortably with the watermelon stuffed down my shirt. But here are all the babies
inside their mom's belly.

And here they all are, 5 months later,
outside their dad's belly.

And this was taken on the best 30th birthday a gal could ever ask for. I just can't get enough of my little family.
(Seriously, who has triplets? What is going on here? I need someone to come over everyday just to pinch me that this is really my life. Let me know if you would be available.)
My question to you is who has triplets and looks so good five months later? I am so happy for you guys! I am sure you guys are way busy with them all but they are so cute!!!! Congrats that they are all home and doing so good!
Kara, you look so beautiful. I love to see the love and joy in your eyes. Have a HAPPY Mothers day.
Congrats Kara! I can't believe they are 5 months old!! They look really great and so do you. I can't even imagine having triplets. Keep up the good work!
Yeah, seriously. Who DOES look that good after having A KID? I am so glad to see your family all together. Happy 30th!
Very cute. Love this post. Love you. Love the babies! And Dane says hey too!
Woops. That was me (Mindy). Not my mom. I'm signed in as her. But she loves you too :)
Happy Mother's Day, Kara. How sweet that family picture is!
Happy Mother's Day to my favorite new mom! And one of my biggest heroes!
So cute! I'm so happy for you guys! What a fun 1st Mother's Day to have all 3 of your sweet babies home with you!
Hey Kara! You are lookin' awesome and those kids are too cute! I don't know if you are at all interested but Diana wanted me to let you know that there are actually groups for Moms of triplets. She belongs to one in the Provo area. She thinks it is just a good way to get out. I don't really understand because you should have all the free time you want...right?:) Glad to hear things are going well for you!
No SERIOUSLY!! It IS amazing!! You guys are sooo cute! I'm soooo happy for you!!
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